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Rejuvenate Your Tired Bedroom

Rejuvenate Your Tired Bedroom

The bedroom is the room we spend most of our time in. We might be asleep, and it might be dark, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it. When the decor in here becomes a little tired, it can be tiresome to think about changing it. Your sleep is so important to your health that you really shouldn’t put it off. Rejuvenate the most important room in the house with these easy-to-implement tips:

Start Again

You might keep that tatty sofa, and you’d never dream of getting rid of your Victorian dresser. But a bed really should be replaced every seven years. Mattresses don’t last forever. If you ignore the passing of time here, you might find you start to ache and lose sleep. It doesn’t take long before you’re feeling grumpy and unfocused. Do yourself and your bedroom a favor. You can get reviews here for the best mattresses on the market to suit your sleeping style and physical needs. Treat yourself!

flat sleep


Color in the bedroom is more important than you might think. Color therapy might play a part here when you’re designing your decor. Softer colors are very popular. Limited patterns will help create a more restful environment. Look to pastels, but don’t be afraid to use heavier tones to create some interest in the room. Pick shades that you can easily match to or complement with the rest of your decor choices. The walls, the bedspreads, and the drapes will all offer a flash of color to work to.


You might like the soft and luxurious feel of carpet beneath your bare toes. Even if you prefer hardwood or tiles, you can always add a thick pile rug. Softer flooring options can also keep you warmer in winter. They soften the look of the room and can add to the depth of color you’re selecting. If you let pets in the bedroom, however, be wary of carpets. Rugs can be washed and replaced much easier!

rejuvenate bedroom


Aside from the bed, you might have bedside tables and a dressing table in your bedroom. These can be matched or coordinated. If you prefer a cozy, eclectic feel, then why not upcycle something old and interesting instead? If you want to rejuvenate the bedroom, it makes sense to rejuvenate the furniture that is already in there. Swap out the handles, cover the tops or even paint them. There are plenty of choices here. It might depend on how much time you have to make the changes.



Despite the fact we are asleep far longer than we are awake in the bedroom, lighting is really important. If you struggle to get up in the morning, why not go for a SAD light that will gently ease you out of your slumber? A chandelier in the bedroom is never inappropriate. It can look glamorous, romantic, or simply classy. Modern versions also look incredible, bringing plenty of focus and style to the room. Don’t forget your bedside lamp. A touch lamp makes it much easier to control. Is your bedroom ready for a makeover?

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